Saturday, January 28, 2006

Waiting and remembering. Posted by Picasa
Fullness through the mist. Posted by Picasa
Whispering of the forest. Posted by Picasa
Stairway to heaven's light. Posted by Picasa
Bringing warmth to the shadows. Posted by Picasa
From follys of religion and politics, to folly of money. Posted by Picasa
It's depth gives the movement. Posted by Picasa
Ruler of all this place. Posted by Picasa
Skylights of history. Posted by Picasa
Out of the stillness, there came movement. Posted by Picasa
Balanced. Posted by Picasa
The side effects of a high fibre diet. Posted by Picasa
Between flight and water. Posted by Picasa
Doing what a window does best, letting the light shine in. Posted by Picasa
Picture window. Posted by Picasa
Vanity or just hunger? Posted by Picasa
Now the home of tourists and the birds. Posted by Picasa
Greeting the morning. Posted by Picasa
The ruins of season's past, yet only the living will see the growth of tomorrow. Posted by Picasa
Approaching the light. Posted by Picasa
Following the growth of trees, yet lacking their grace. Posted by Picasa
From the mist they came before fading away. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Fading into seasons time. Posted by Picasa
Reflecting the fall. Posted by Picasa